Sunday, May 22, 2011

4 Yr. Old-Movie Day

You know, by the time it's the end of your second year of preschool, you just wanna have fun! So we decided to relax and watch Curious George 2. We ate tons of treats and had a fabulous time!

Staker Parson Field Trip

We went on the funnest field trip to Stake Parson Company! They gave us a t-shirt to keep, taught us how to make concrete, taught us the ROCK dance and we got to sit in a real cement truck and honk the loud, loud horn!

4 Yr. Old-Kaitlyn's Birthday

Kaitlyn celebrated her 5th birthday on May 17! Hope you had a great birthday, Kaitlyn!

4 Yr. Old-Tucker's Birthday

Tucker celebrated his 5th birthday on May 13. Happy birthday, Tucker!

4 Yr. Old-May Day Around the World

People in many different places celebrate May Day different ways. In Hawaii, they have lei day and they have hula competitions. In England, they dance around the May Pole with ribbons. When they finish, they have a beautiful creation on the pole.

We marched around the May Pole with ribbons. Doesn't it look colorful?!!

4 yr. old-Zooming Z

We finally finished the alphabet! We learned about the letter Z and painted using zooming cars' wheels dipped in a stamp pad.

3 yr. old-From Caterpillar to Butterfly

We learned all about the process of a caterpillar turning into a butterfly. We made butterflies with our feet. Miss Jennie painted our feet for the wings of the butterfly. We also flew our butterfly bracelets.

Monday, April 25, 2011

4 Year Old-Yankee Doodle

Yankee Doodle went to town,

Riding on a pony,

Stuck a feather in his hat

And called it macaroni.

We dressed up in Yankee Doodle hats with a feather stuck in it, of course, and made macaroni necklaces.

4 Year Old-Easter Egg Hunt

We had great plans for an Easter egg hunt outside. But instead we had a terrific thunderstorm that even made us jump when the thunder rumbled. We had our hunt inside and found our names on our eggs.

4 Year Old-Hickety Pickety

Hickety Pickety, my black hen,

She lays eggs for gentlemen.

Gentlemen come every day

To see what my black hen doth lay.

Sometimes nine and sometimes ten,

Hickety pickety, my black hen.

3 Year Old-Easter Egg Hunt

We had a beautiful morning to go on our Easter egg hunt. We had to find the eggs with our names on them.

4 Year Old-X Marks the Spot

There are not many things to learn about that start with X. But everybody knows that X marks the spot of the pirate's treasure. We got to hunt for that treasure and take it home with us.

Great Harvest Field Trip

We had a great time at Great Harvest Bread learning about how they bake everything. We got to go behind the counter and see how they made the bread.

4 Year Old-Megan's Birthday

Megan celebrated her birthday on April 5. Happy 5th birthday, Megan!

3 Year Old-Ryen's Birthday

Ryen celebrated her 4th birthday on April 1. Happy birthday, Ryen!

3 Year Old-Rabbit, Rabbit Carrot Eater

Rabbit, rabbit, carrot eater

He says there is nothing sweeter,

Than a carrot every day,

Munch and crunch and run away.

4 Year Old-MaKenna's Birthday

MaKenna celebrated her 5th birthday on April 1. Happy birthday, Kenna!

4 Year Old-Under, Up, Around and Over

There are so many directions to learn. We made windsocks and used all the directions to fly our windsocks.
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