We loved learning about the letter N. We made noodle necklaces. We are very good at making necklaces! We also painted using spaghetti noodles as our paintbrushes. Very messy but lots of fun plus the pictures turn out so interesting!
We had the best time on Opposite Day. At first, it was confusing because Miss Jennie greeted us by saying, "Goodbye." Then she said it was not playtime while she was nodding her head. But we soon caught on! Instead of coloring on top of the table, we laid on the floor and colored our papers that were taped under the table!
We celebrated the new year by painting with party blowouts. Messy, messy, messy but fun, fun, fun! We also danced and blew horns to celebrate. If you thought the one horn they brought home was loud, you should have heard 12! Happy New Year!