We celebrated Chinese New Year! This year is the year of the Rabbit. We read all about children in Chinatown in New York and how they prepare for the new year by cleaning their home, getting new clothes and haircuts. Then they celebrate with food and a parade. We made a dragon like the one in their parade.
We learned about tall tales today and watched a movie about Pecos Bill on Miss Jennie's projector. We were so entertained by our shadows after the movie that we decided to do shadow puppets. We had a visitor in our class too! His name was Flat Stanley and he was visiting from Miss Jennie's cousin's class. You can see him making shadow puppets with Mason.
Today we had a visitor in our classroom. His name is Flat Stanley. He is visiting us from Miss Jennie's cousin's classroom. We gave him a ride on the parachute. I think he had fun!